Human-centric workplaces with Be Your Craft

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Empowering Your Talent with Transferrable Skills

The C.L.A.P. Experience merges facilitation and immersive learning, optimizing the employee experience, retention, and engagement.

BYC Story

“C.L.A.P. is magical, practical, and tangible. A must-have for effective communication, executive presence, and building high-performing teams”.

Director of Instructional Design - Yasmine Hudson




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“Participated in a session today led by the incredible Dr. Natalia Elizabeth Paul and was taken aback by an exercise where she had half the group argue in favor of and half argue against controversial taglines, only to challenge us later to switch and defend the opposing view. Being placed in that situation was a lesson in creativity, reframing, and innovation. 

Taking a step back to really think through different perspectives would likely push the limits of our innovation and save us time down the line. 

Thank you, Dr. Paul, for a great lesson, and thanks, LinkedIn for fun learning opportunities”

- Sr. Manager, Employee Communications

Bridging Gaps between Company Goals & Employee Experiences

  • What methods can we use to improve adaptability and time management in our workforce to manage ongoing changes and avoid burnout?
  • How can we assist our teams in achieving and sustaining a flow state in constantly changing work environments, especially when morale and energy levels are low?
  • What strategies can we introduce to guide our teams effectively through transitions and foster career and skill development, ensuring sustained creativity and momentum?
  • How can we enhance performance and productivity in our organization while ensuring psychological safety?

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities PIP-c Strategy: 


We merge our passions for community learning, data-driven talent assessments, behavioral science principles, and arts-based modalities to serve your #1 priority - the people of your organization.


We aim to maximize engagement and retention through custom learning experiences that provide practical, day-to-day frameworks. Our arts-driven approach tackles real organizational challenges for impactful learning, enhancing behavioral skills and career growth. This method has improved job performance and satisfaction by as much as 30%.

Performance, Productivity, & Psychological Safety

The Triple P's: Human-Centric Approach. Developing equitable cultures where every employee feels recognized and valued. Our inclusive approach cultivates authentic leadership across all levels, fostering personal and professional growth and empowering every individual to make an impact, regardless of their level or role.

Community of Learning

Learning attracts, retains, and engages top talent when it becomes a part of the culture. The shift from hierarchical to empathetic leadership empowers individuals to take ownership of their learning journey and role, encouraging accountability and supporting community growth, leading to long-term personal investment in the company’s and talent's success.

Explore the C.L.A.P. Experience

New York Times

Why Millenials are having such a hard time

Read Here

LinkedIn Talent Blog

What Falling from a 40-Foot Tower Taught Me About Career Growth

Read Here